Documented Reasoning: A Superpower Hiding in Plain Sight

While some people seem to be born natural problem solvers, the ability to reason consciously and effectively is a learned skill. Just like any other skill, it takes practice and dedication to develop.

Why Document Your Reasoning Process?

Documenting your reasoning process is not just about recording decisions; it’s about fostering transparency, promoting collaboration, and ultimately, improving your own thinking. Here are some key benefits:

Transparency and Inspection: A documented thought process allows others to understand the “why” behind your decisions. This fosters trust, accountability, and allows for constructive feedback.

Test-ability and Learning: By explicitly outlining your reasoning, you create a record that can be tested and analyzed. This helps identify any flaws or biases in your thinking and allows you to learn from your experiences.

Collaboration and Collective Learning: When your reasoning is documented, it becomes a resource for others to build upon. This reduces the need to “reinvent the wheel” and allows teams to learn and collaborate more effectively.

Personal Growth: The act of documenting your reasoning forces you to slow down and reflect on your thought process. This self-awareness can lead to better decision-making, increased open-mindedness, and a gentler approach to mistakes.

The Two Minds of Reasoning:

Our minds employ two distinct processes when making decisions:

Fast Mind: This is our intuitive, non-linguistic mind that operates quickly and efficiently. It’s responsible for our gut feelings and snap judgments.

Slow Mind: This is our deliberate, analytical mind that takes time and effort to process information and weigh options. It’s responsible for our logical reasoning and justification.

While the fast mind is often correct, its inner workings are often mysterious. The slow mind, on the other hand, is good at creating justifications, but these may not be entirely accurate or authentic.

Developing the Slow Mind:

Here are some ways you can train your slow mind and improve your reasoning skills:

Journaling: Writing down your thought process is a powerful way to analyze your reasoning and identify any biases or flaws.

Seeking Contrarian Opinions: Actively engaging with opposing viewpoints helps you consider different perspectives and strengthen your argumentation skills.

Explaining Your Decisions: Articulating your reasoning to others forces you to clarify your own thinking and identify any gaps in your logic.

Questioning Comfortable Beliefs: Don’t be afraid to challenge your own assumptions and biases. This openness to self-examination is essential for intellectual growth.

Embracing “I Don’t Know”: It’s okay to admit when you don’t have all the answers. This humility fosters a more collaborative and learning-oriented environment.

Documenting Poor Reasoning: Even if your reasoning turns out to be flawed, documenting it still provides valuable learning opportunities for yourself and others.

Everyday Reasoning: While documenting your reasoning is particularly important in technical fields, it can be applied to any area of your life. From making health choices to navigating relationships, conscious reasoning leads to better decisions and a more fulfilling life.

The Benefits of Slow Reasoning:

By investing time and effort into honing your slow reasoning skills, you’ll reap numerous benefits, including:

  • Improved Articulation: As you become more comfortable with explaining your reasoning, your communication skills will naturally improve.
  • Increased Open-mindedness: Engaging with diverse perspectives allows you to see things from different angles and become less attached to fixed beliefs.
  • Gentler Approach to Mistakes: Recognizing the inherent biases and distortions in human thinking fosters self-compassion and understanding for yourself and others.


Documenting your reasoning process is a valuable tool for anyone who wants to improve their thinking, communication, and decision-making skills. By dedicating time to developing your slow mind, you can unlock greater self-awareness, intellectual growth, and a more fulfilling life.

Remember, the journey to better reasoning is a continuous one. Start incorporating these practices into your life today and unlock your full potential as a critical thinker.