
  • Many of us experience a deeper layer of suffering, a “meta-pain” that arises from our attempts to process and understand another pain. This essay explores the nature of pain, its purpose, and how we can manage our suffering through cognitive reappraisal. The Origins of Suffering: We often experience pain as a result of external events,…

  • Venturing into the depths of my own experiences, I’ve stumbled upon a realization that echoes the Buddhist idea of Anatta – this notion that there isn’t a fixed, unchanging ‘self’ at the core of our being. This insight didn’t hit me like a lightning bolt from a philosophical textbook; it was more like a gentle…

  • In my musings on the nature of human consciousness and the evolving landscape of our values, I often circle back to a fundamental assumption: sentient beings, by and large, gravitate toward pleasant mental states. This preference seems to underpin much of our pursuit of objectives, whether they are grounded in spiritual fulfillment or more tangible…

  • Have you ever heard someone marvel at my ability to conjure apps out of thin air? “It’s like magic,” they whisper, their eyes sparkling with a mix of awe and disbelief. And you know what? I get it. That first spark of an idea, the rapid flow of code, and the birth of a fully…

  • Let’s talk about philosophy, shall we? That noble quest for wisdom that often leaves you questioning everything, including your favorite ice cream flavor. As someone who’s tussled with the likes of Hume, Schopenhauer, and the Pierce/James tag team, I can tell you, it’s a wild ride. So, how do you wrestle with these big-brained thinkers…