
  • According to Jungian personality typology, there are two main thinking types – introverted and extroverted. Introverted thinkers value conceptual purity and coherence. They get joy from logic puzzles without real-world constraints. Extroverted thinkers care about results. If it ships and works, that’s what matters. Debates around idealism versus pragmatism often come down to personality. INTPs…

  • Why a Static IP Rocks: VPS on your own turf: Master of your emails: Power Up with Cloudflare: Port Party: Privacy Ninja: The ISP Struggle: IPv4 Exhaustion Unfortunately, some ISPs are stingy with those static IPs. They might even restrict the ports you can use (like for email) or make port forwarding a real pain…

  • Let’s talk about Docker Swarm and WireGuard, two powerful tools that can work wonders for your development and deployment workflows. But, like any good duo, they have their quirks, especially when it comes to something called the MTU. MTU? What’s that? Imagine a network as a highway, and the MTU is the maximum weight a…

  • This blog post describes how to set up Rathole, a secure and efficient tunnel program, alongside a VPS, to achieve multiple static IPs for your self-hosted projects. This approach offers a cost-effective alternative to renting individual servers while providing greater flexibility and control over your network. Requirements: Overview: Additional Notes: Benefits: Set up RatHole This…

  • Cognitive automation rapidly transforms our world, influencing everything from marketing and design to science and operations. While its potential benefits are undeniable, it also raises concerns about its impact on human creativity, agency, and identity. Let’s explore both sides of this complex issue. Areas of Impact: Benefits: Concerns: The Way Forward: Cognitive automation presents both…

  • Many of us experience a deeper layer of suffering, a “meta-pain” that arises from our attempts to process and understand another pain. This essay explores the nature of pain, its purpose, and how we can manage our suffering through cognitive reappraisal. The Origins of Suffering: We often experience pain as a result of external events,…

  • Ever feel like you’re living in a “comfort bubble”? Like you’re stuck in the same cozy, yet kinda boring routine, wearing those metaphorical slippers that have seen better days, and watching reruns of your life? Comfort’s great and all, but too much of it turns you into a human equivalent of a still pond –…

  • While some people seem to be born natural problem solvers, the ability to reason consciously and effectively is a learned skill. Just like any other skill, it takes practice and dedication to develop. Why Document Your Reasoning Process? Documenting your reasoning process is not just about recording decisions; it’s about fostering transparency, promoting collaboration, and…

  • Imagine a world where finding a coding wizard for your ultra-specific, hair-pulling programming conundrum is as easy as ordering a pizza. Welcome to the concept of an expert exchange for specialist programmers – a place where the phrase “I know a guy who knows a thing” takes on a whole new meaning. The Specialist Programmer:…

  • Let’s embark on a journey through the intriguing world of sales and marketing, my personal favorites right after unexpected visits to the dentist. I’ve been wrestling with the idea that perhaps these domains might just have some redeeming qualities. It’s a bit like trying to find a needle in a haystack, but the needle might…

  • For years, I was a devoted disciple of the “hustle” gospel. Every waking moment, every ounce of energy, was sacrificed in the relentless pursuit of optimization. This self-imposed martyrdom fueled my creativity for a time, but ultimately led to burnout. My once vibrant passion sputtered, replaced by exhaustion and resentment. A few weeks ago, I…

  • Ever stared at a monstrous if-else statement, its tendrils of conditions reaching out and threatening to engulf your code? We’ve all been there, battling those lines of code that seem to multiply with every new condition. But what if there was a way to tame this beast, to simplify those complex checks into something elegant…

  • Venturing into the depths of my own experiences, I’ve stumbled upon a realization that echoes the Buddhist idea of Anatta – this notion that there isn’t a fixed, unchanging ‘self’ at the core of our being. This insight didn’t hit me like a lightning bolt from a philosophical textbook; it was more like a gentle…

  • I’ve always found it kind of funny how we romanticize the grind in the workforce. We’re spoon-fed this notion that if we just work hard enough, efficiency will swoop in like a superhero, cut our work hours in half, and leave us basking in the glow of free time and eternal bliss. Spoiler alert: it…

  • Stepping out of a jam-packed session on AWS Amplify and Cognito at Re:invent 2017, a colleague and I exchanged knowing glances. Amidst the buzz of new frameworks and managed services, we chuckled about the enduring job security of web developers – the work, it seems, never truly goes away. Despite the proliferation of frameworks and…

  • In a world that often romanticizes the ‘fail fast, fail often’ mantra, I’ve found myself pondering the nuanced reality of repeated failure and its impact on learning and self-perception. While there’s a certain allure to the notion that failure is the bedrock of success, my experiences have led me to a more tempered view. The…

  • I’ve often caught myself getting lost in the illusion of infinite potential. You know, those echoing phrases like “I can do anything I set my mind to” and “there are no limits.” They’re seductive, aren’t they? They tempt me to stretch myself beyond what I’m truly capable of. I’ve learned, though, that striving for excellence…

  • In the mesmerizing realm of software development, a dangerous trend has emerged: codaphilia. This insidious love affair with coding, fueled by ever-evolving Developer Experience (DX) tools, threatens to undermine the very essence of our craft. The Allure of the Digital Playground: Modern DX strives to make coding an enjoyable experience. File watchers, auto reloaders, and…

  • I think every developer should have at least one personal VPS (Virtual Private Server), it’s essential to delve into the myriad of practical benefits it offers, especially considering the affordability of VPS options available today. With plans starting as low as $10/month from popular providers, and some even offering services for as little as $20/year,…

  • So, there’s this looming monster under the bed called a job interview. It’s like the adult version of the boogeyman, right? But, hear me out, what if we flipped the script and instead of quaking in our boots, we asked ourselves, “Why is it so bad?” Yep, I’m talking about turning those knee-knocking fears into…

  • Embracing Your Limits

    “You can do anything you set your mind to.” This seductive mantra, often peddled by self-help gurus, paints a misleading picture of human potential. The truth is, you, as a unique individual with inherent limitations, are more than just your aspirations. Your limitations, far from being restrictive, are the very foundation of your identity. Time,…

  • In my musings on the nature of human consciousness and the evolving landscape of our values, I often circle back to a fundamental assumption: sentient beings, by and large, gravitate toward pleasant mental states. This preference seems to underpin much of our pursuit of objectives, whether they are grounded in spiritual fulfillment or more tangible…

  • Have you ever heard someone marvel at my ability to conjure apps out of thin air? “It’s like magic,” they whisper, their eyes sparkling with a mix of awe and disbelief. And you know what? I get it. That first spark of an idea, the rapid flow of code, and the birth of a fully…

  • While I’ve been familiar with personality theories like MBTI for some time, my initial fascination waned over the years. My concerns stemmed from the potential for oversimplification, the rigid nature of the types, and the neglect of individual uniqueness. However, I’ve found them surprisingly helpful in navigating workplace dynamics. While interactions with fellow INTJs and…

  • I find Jordan Peterson’s “12 Rules for Life” quite intriguing, as it delves into personal growth and life’s challenges. While it’s gained a lot of popularity, I think it’s important to look at it from a critical perspective, acknowledging its strengths and weaknesses based on my own reflections. What I Appreciate: Where I See Shortcomings:…

  • Let’s talk about philosophy, shall we? That noble quest for wisdom that often leaves you questioning everything, including your favorite ice cream flavor. As someone who’s tussled with the likes of Hume, Schopenhauer, and the Pierce/James tag team, I can tell you, it’s a wild ride. So, how do you wrestle with these big-brained thinkers…

  • In the fast-paced world of business, the urgency to fill positions often eclipses the importance of mindful hiring. This blog post delves into a more deliberate approach to hiring, advocating for a process that values quality over speed, and character over mere competence. Faster Isn’t Always Better The first myth to debunk is that speed…

  • I’ve come to realize that a lot of times, I make choices without really thinking about what they mean. It’s like I’m sleepwalking through life, just reacting to what’s happening around me and ignoring that little voice inside. This kind of evasion, even though it might feel safe, can actually lead me down a path…

  • Forget the Past, Focus on the Present: The Now Value

    Forget past achievements and accolades; they are mere relics in the ever-changing landscape of the professional world. Your true value, the currency you exchange for success and fulfillment, lies not in your “glorious” past, but in the present moment and the future you can create. While your past education and experience may offer valuable insights,…

  • Have you ever thought about dating sites and thought, “Hey, why can’t we have something like this for finding business partners?” Well, buckle up, because I’m about to take you on a ride through a concept that’s Tinder for your entrepreneurial soul – a founder/project dating site that’s all about matching personality traits. Two Sides…

  • As the calendar flipped to the end of 2017, I found myself enveloped in a sense of deep gratitude. This past year has been a journey filled with wishes, many of which were graciously fulfilled. It’s a tradition, as each year draws to a close, to set new goals, but I’ve chosen a slightly different…

  • Title: Unconventional Wisdom: Key Takeaways from a Non-Traditional Business Book When I was putting together ‘The Founder Book Club’, a particular book grabbed my attention with its promise of offering non-traditional business advice. After diving into its chapters, I’ve emerged with a wealth of insights that challenge conventional business wisdom. Embrace Flexibility and Action The…